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  • How To Tell Your Parents You're a Libertarian - Libertarian Country

    How To Tell Your Parents You're a Libertarian

    Congratulations, you've rejected the political duopoly and refused to be a pawn in the antiquated two-party system.It's a big step in a young person's life to cast off the shackles...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Nozick's Experience Machine: The Fallacy of Hedonism - Libertarian Country

    Nozick's Experience Machine: The Fallacy of Hedonism

    It's generally true that humans seek pleasure and avoid pain, but is pleasure all that matters?In his award-winning book Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick offers a thought experiment called...

    Libertarian Country |

  • 5 Reasons Why It's Good To Have Intelligent Enemies - Libertarian Country

    5 Reasons Why It's Good To Have Intelligent Enemies

    Most of us can think of reasons why it may not be good to have intelligent adversaries. Indeed, a more intelligent rival can easily defeat us, and nobody wants that,...

    Libertarian Country |

  • A Libertarian Film Review of Jesus Revolution - Libertarian Country

    A Libertarian Film Review of Jesus Revolution

    Photo Credits Lions Gate Entertainment   Whether you're a devout Christian, skeptical agnostic, or die-hard atheist, Jesus Revolution is an inspiring story for any fan of American counter-culture. Based...

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  • Capitalism Does Not Promote Mindless Consumerism - Libertarian Country

    Capitalism Does Not Promote Mindless Consumerism

    Capitalism, through its internal mechanism of supply and demand, promotes the right amount of consumerism that leads to the greatest advancements in human civilization.

    Libertarian Country |

  • The Strange Power and Authority of Signs - Libertarian Country

    The Strange Power and Authority of Signs

    Not all signs point to yes. Some signs command obedience from those who read them: stop signs, no-smoking signs, no trespassing signs, no-parking signs--you get the idea.Once acknowledged, signs have...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Risk-Taking and Gambling Are Not The Same - Libertarian Country

    Risk-Taking and Gambling Are Not The Same

    On occasion, I enjoy spending an evening at the local casino. My favorite games are roulette, blackjack and slots. Games of chance are fun and exciting, but I am vehemently...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Is Running Your Own Business Hard? - Libertarian Country

    Is Running Your Own Business Hard?

    Gurus attempting to recruit people into their 'get rich quick' programs will try to sell them on the benefits of starting their own company by flashing imagery of carefree people...

    Libertarian Country |

  • Are Shotguns Good for Home Defense? - Libertarian Country

    Are Shotguns Good for Home Defense?

    Yes, shotguns are great for home defense. They are affordable, effective and easy to learn how to use. While the debate rages on about the best gun for home defense,...

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