The Knowledge Bank

  • What is The Non-Aggression Principle? - Libertarian Country

    What is The Non-Aggression Principle?

    The Non-Aggression Principle--or simply The NAP-- is an axiom endorsed by libertarianism. Libertarians believe that utilizing force against others without provocation or reasonable cause (such as in self-defense) violates the...

    Libertarian Country |

  • What is Self-Ownership? - Libertarian Country

    What is Self-Ownership?

    Self-ownership is the philosophical idea and social outlook that human beings maintain exclusive ownership of themselves, espoused by individualism-based political ideologies such as libertarianism. Libertarians believe that self-ownership is immutable...

    Libertarian Country |

  • What is Free Market Capitalism? - Libertarian Country

    What is Free Market Capitalism?

    Free market capitalism, or laissez-faire capitalism, is an economic system in which the price of goods and services is determined by a codependency (called supply and demand) between buyers and...

    Libertarian Country |

  • What is Anarcho-Capitalism? - Libertarian Country

    What is Anarcho-Capitalism?

    Anarcho-Capitalism is a political philosophy proclaiming that a laissez-faire economic system is paramount and must never be hindered or obstructed by the state.In the core view of the anarcho-capitalist, the...

    Libertarian Country |